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International Leadership Development Programme (ILDP)

ILDP is a unique platform for the graduate and post-graduate students. The program aims to build leadership skills of the selected candidates and support their projects to create on ground impact through practical learning and guidance from experienced mentors. The program was first launched in July 2019 and 5 candidates were selected out of 40 applicants throughout India. A Small Grant is awarded to the selected fellows, which covers the project expenses during field surveys, workshops and community engagements.


In order to achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030, individuals should strive for developing their leadership skills so that they can inspire others and work together in attaining sustainable future. A key principle central is that leadership resides in everyone – and therefore can be nourished and developed. The International Leadership Development Programme aims to develop skills and capacity in each individual. It allows them to explore their own potential as well as the transformation of their organizations, institutions, and communities. The programme provides sustainable solutions by addressing environmental and societal issues through research-based projects. It is based on developing leadership in an individual, calling forth the capacity to initiate and maintain profound change. The programme will build confident and knowledgeable individuals who will lead any project on own and will create on ground impact, inspire other community members to become more leaders like them.



  1. Understanding the strengths and weakness of selected candidates.

  2. Capacity building of the fellows in terms of required skills of leaders

  3. Implementing the project plan on the ground with practical learning’s and building strong, independent leaders for a better future.


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Sayali Kadam joined ILDP Fellowship as M. Tech student from Tata Institute Social Science. Her project was focused on “Perspective of youth towards agriculture as livelihood source in 32 Shirala block of Sangli district, Maharashtra”. She surveyed two villages under her project and took interviews of youth and farmers to collect data for her project work. The perspective of youth towards agriculture as livelihood source is an important aspect. Her project findings will be very helpful for understanding current status of agriculture and related issues. This will encourage youth towards sustainable agriculture as livelihood source.



Tarun completed Masters from Delhi University and started working as an individual researcher. His project was titled: “Water Borne Disease and Climate Change: A Case study for New Delhi”. During the project, he tried to explore the existing link between Water Borne Disease and Climate Change.

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Chetan Somvanshi is a primary school teacher in Ghodegaon. His project involves working on the conservation of wild vegetables with his school students and the local communities. Unsustainable harvesting of wild vegetables and medicinal plants is a major threat for the native biodiversity of the area. He has been studying and documenting the wild vegetables under the ILDP project. He has documented around 70 wild vegetables, 20 other medicinal plants and 60 local old traditional crop seeds. Also, He works with the local communities for promoting traditional farming practices.



Siddhi Dhamle is a BSc Graduate student from Fergusson College, Pune. She is an avid birder and studying birds is her passion. She is studying nesting behaviors of birds in Chiplun under her ILDP Project.

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Arsh Chauhan is a student from Pune, pursuing his Int. BSc and MSc from IISER. He is interested in understanding solid waste and its effect on biodiversity, with respect to the Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary in Pune.

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